Itchy Pants
Friday, February 22, 2008
Wow Jason, you know its funny. Cause we found so many glitches in 2142. I mean still with the new patch we still know how to get in buildings in certain maps. We just couldn't post all of them cause there too many to post. Steam is just as bad as Dice. We just started playing Team Fortress 2 and they have glitches. At least they fix them fairly quickly. I like the game of finding glitches faster then they can fix them. Its a whole new realm of game play.
Monday, October 02, 2006
We are Baaaack
EA games just released a new patch! You know what that means?!?! We have new exploits to explore. Here is the first one of many. I mean Many glitches. This great!!! Thank you EA!Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Use your imagination! and you can go places you never could before
This is another way of going to roof tops and going to places you never could before.Here is another one you would think they would fix this
From one glitch to another tell me what you think of this.. Exploit Exploit...This is not a hack this is actually a ingame glitchMonday, June 19, 2006
Thursday, June 15, 2006
You know when you play a game and you get bored?

The name sounds kind of odd but it might make sense after I explain. When you wear a pair of pants for too long they become irritating and itchy. That depends on the type of pants. Men know what I'm talking about. Spandex pants are the worst. Don't ask me how I know. My friend told me!
Well, when I play a game for too long I get itchy and irritated. I lose interest and subconsciously I find other ways of playing it. I'm sure many people have experienced this. Usually happens to First person Shooters (FPS). You don't really know what else to do. This usually happens to my accomplice and I often, usually after the first three weeks of playing a game.
What do I mean by finding a new ways of playing a game?
We find glitches in the game. Or holes/flaws in the rules of the game and we exploit it to the best of our abilities. We do not use hacks or any external program to do this.
We use the existing flaws
Game companies usually come out with patches to fix them but they seem to make new problems.
This creative subversion of the game rules occur consistently in the many debates over "cheating" within the game. What constitutes a cheat and what does not? What is consistent is the bending of conventional game rules, We merely come up with "creative innovations " within the game.
There are five different categorizations within the online gamer
the socializer (who play games because he enjoys the company of others)
the killer (who play because he enjoys harassing and destroying
for other players)
the achiever (who plays to be the best, to win) and
the explorer (who liketo explore the games, finding hidden secrets and flaws in the game)
the cheater the player who exploits flaws in the game to his own advantage, even to the point that he uses programs specifically created to allow him the cheats.
There are stages to this Chaos. We are a little of each. At first we play the game in the way its meant to be played by the rules and try to be the best hence called the achiever. Then it starts to get boring so we become the "the killer" and then we find out ways of being a better killer by finding flaws in the rules of the game so we become "Explorers" then eventually others accuse us as "cheaters".
When you were a kid, wasn’t there some other kid who just loved to smash and destroy
for others? well, we aren't smashing anything in real life we are just getting back at the kids who used to smash our things and now have grown up. We are getting them back where it hurts the most, in the online games they play.
There is a type of paranoia that occurs with people who encounter us. Sometimes they have never seen anything like it and they join us. Or sometimes he/she criticize us and complain and then he/she start cheating just to get even with us - if everyone cheats, it is only fair that he/she does it as well, or so they reason to make it ok.
Videos are coming soon!